MNRE Updates Standards for solar devices, systems and components

Solar Systems, Devices and Components Goods Order, 2025  

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) released a Gazette notification on January 27, 2025, titled “Solar Systems, Devices and Components Goods Order, 2025“, updating the standards for existing products. While no new products have been introduced, this update applies to all five existing products and will come into effect 180 days (26 July 2025) from the date of publication.  

Changes in India Standard:  

The existing product will validity remains unaffected while the new application and renewal of the application have to comply with the new Indian standards as below: 

S No.  Product  India Standard (Old)  Indian Standard (New) 
1  Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) modules (Si wafer-based)  IS 14286: 2010/ IEC 61215: 2005  IS 14286 (Part 1): 2023/ IEC 61215-1: 2021  
IS 14286 (Part 1/Sec 1) : 2023/ IEC 61215-1-1: 2021  
IS/IEC 61730 (Part 1): 2004   IS/IEC 61730-1: 2016 
IS/IEC 61730 (Part 2): 2004  IS/IEC 61730-2: 2016 
2  Thin-Film Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules (a-Si, CiGs and CdTe)  IS 16077: 2013/ IEC 61646: 2008 


IS 14286 (Part 1): 2023/ IEC 61215-1: 2021 
IS 14286 (Part 1/Sec 2): 2023/ IEC 61215-1-2: 2021 + Amd-1:2022 
IS 14286 (Part 1/Sec 3 ) : 2023/ IEC 61215-1-3 : 2021 + Amd-1:2022 
IS 14286 (Part 1/Sec 4): 2023/ IEC 61215-1-4: 2021 + Amd-1:2022 
IS/IEC 61730 (Part 1): 2004  IS/IEC 61730-1: 2016 
IS/IEC 61730 (Part 2): 2004  IS/IEC 61730-2: 2016 
3  Power Inverters for use in photovoltaic power system  IS 16221 (Part 2): 2015 / IEC 62109-2: 2011  IS 16221 (Part 2): 2015/ IEC 62109-2: 2011 
  IS/IEC 61683: 1999 
4  Utility-Interconnected Photovoltaic inverters  IS 16221 (Part 2):2015/IEC 62109-2:2011  IS 16221 (Part 2): 2015/ IEC 62109-2: 2011  
IS 16169:2014/IEC 62116:2008  IS 16169: 2019/ IEC 62116: 2014  
  IS 17980: 2022/IEC 62891:2020  
5  Storage battery  IS 16270: 2014  IS 16270: 2023 

Condition of grant of licence: To grant of licence under this Order, a condition is introduced to set minimum efficiency (@ Standard Test Conditions i.e., STC) criteria. 

  1. Mono Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) modules (Si wafer-based) technology & Thin-Film Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules [Cd Te, a-Si, Cu(In, Ga)(S, Se)2] technology: Minimum efficiency 18% 
  1. Poly Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) modules (Si wafer-based) technology: 17% 

Efficiency Calculation Formula:    

The formula for calculating the efficiency (@ STC in %) of a Solar PV module is: 

efficiency(@STC%) = (1000×A (in m²) Pmax (in Watts) ×100  


  • Pₘₐₓ = Maximum power output of the module (in Watts) 
  • A = Area of the front surface of the module (in m²) 
  • 1000 = Solar irradiance at Standard Test Conditions (STC) in W/m²

This formula ensures that the module’s power efficiency is evaluated under standardized conditions as per IS 14286. 

You access the official notification issued by the ministry from here: Solar Systems, Devices and Components Goods Order, 2025

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