E-waste Management: EPR Certification

E-Waste Mangement in India
India collected only 10% of the total electronic waste generated in 2018-19. According to a survey, 54 million tonnes of E-waste is generated globally every year and out of which only 20% of it is recycled. INDIA itself generates 2 million metric tonnes of e-waste annually and a very nominal percentage of it is recycled through proper channels. In order to deal with the serious effects of e-waste on environment and human health, the INDIAN Government came with E-waste Management Rules in the year 2016 and the major objective of this was to ensure environmentally sound management of e-waste.

EPR for E-Waste management

Who can apply for EPR?
Any entity who manufactures and offers to sell electrical and electronic equipment and their components or consumables or parts or spares under its own brand; or
offers to sell under its own brand, assembled electrical and electronic equipment and their components or consumables or parts or spares produced by other manufacturers or suppliers; or
offers to sell imported electrical and electronic equipment and their components or consumables or parts or spares; or
who imports used electrical and electronic equipment;

E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022

Information technology and telecommunication equipment
Consumer Electrical and Electronics and Photovoltaic Panels
Large and Small Electrical and Electronic Equipements
Electrical and Electronic Tools (With the exception of large- Scale Stationary Industrial Tools)
Toys, Leisure and Sports Equipment
Medical Devices (With the Exception of All Implanted and Infected Products)
Laboratory Instruments
The new regulation will be applicable from 1st April 2023.
Validity of EPR
EPR certificate is valid for 5 years, which must be further renewed for another 5 years.
Services as a PRO-

EPR Authorisation:
To enable the organizations having the products listed in schedule I, to do business in India, Vincular supports with the below activities for the grant of EPR authorization from CPCB
Analysing the product categories and sales data and assess the applicable collection targets
Preparation of EPR plan
General scheme of collection
Channelization of E-waste
Website information
Estimated budget for various activities/mechanisms
Awareness programs
Preparation and submission of complete application package
Handling queries and follow up with CPCB for grant of authorization

Ensuring Continued Compliance-
Planning and running awareness campaigns
RWA Meetings
Educational Institutions
Industry Associations
Social Media
Digital Media
Executing awareness campaigns on ground

Channelization of E-Waste

Provisioning trained manpower for handling e-waste collection request and queries over toll free number and email ids
Provisioning toll free number
Provisioning email ids where the request are sent and managed
Provisioning collection points / collection centre / Warehouse for physical collection of e-waste to cover all 29 states

Reverse Logistics

Recycling/Dismantling Facilities
Fulfilling collection targets

Adequacy of E-waste awareness initiatives taken
Availability of statutory records at collection points/centre and at registered office
Availability of trained staff at collection points/centre to handle e-waste collection and management (in case managed by the EPR holder)
Adequate arrangements for recycling/dismantling against assigned collection targets
Compliance audit
Adequacy of E-waste awareness initiatives taken
Availability of statutory records at collection points/centre and at registered office
Availability of trained staff at collection points/centre to handle e-waste collection and management (in case managed by the EPR holder)
Adequate arrangements for recycling/dismantling against assigned collection targets